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Supplies Surprise

Client Location Story Prerequisites Gold Exp Rewards
Nalu Cauldros 4 - 9000 160 >Fig: Dance of Deception Youthful Sheep Horns


Obtain 6 Deflection Shield Mirrors, 3 Multi-Mirror Solar Drones, and 5 Mk. IX Hypercoolers; Deliver them to Nalu; Talk to Nalu, and on the third choice select "Accept" for A or "Reconsider" for B;
A: Collect 1 A-HAB Autonomous AI and 8 Nostalgia L-002 Units; Deliver them to Nalu
B: Talk to Lularita; Collect 1 A-HAB Autonomous AI, 8 Nostalgia L-002 Units, and 10 Bullet Flies; Deliver the Bullet Flies to Lularita; Deliver the rest to Nalu


Nalu is north of 502. Shield Mirrors are found at North Janpath Plain in Primordia, Solar Drones at Oblivia's entrance, Hypercoolers at Noctilum's Decapotamon. A-HABs are found in northeast Sylvalum(not on mountain), Nostalgias at the Decapotamon, and Bullet Flies in western Cauldros/caves.

Built by ζƒ…δΊ‹ζ•